How to save LinkedIn profiles to Airtable
There's different approaches how to save information from LinkedIn profiles and there's differnt usecases. If you use Airtable as your CRM, adding new records on LinkedIn allows you to quickly add new prospects. You may also save contacts for hiring or networking purposes.
Profile pages
The most straightforward approach is to save information as you're visiting the profile page. That's where the most amount of information is available.
With Powersave you can visit someone's profile, pick the right Airtable table as your destination and use autofill to quickly gather data.
AI autofill
Powersave AI autofill can quickly categorize data. Chances are it will be good at picking:
- Name
- Bio
- Location
- Number of connections
- Number of followers
- Skills, services
The remaining information can be clipped manually. You can right click a profile pictue and add it to the attachment field. You can select any information on the page and add it to existig fields.
Saving multiple profiles
If you have a collection of different profiles you can save them to Airtable via Powersave "Create many feature".
This is useful for saving a collection of profiles
- Reactions on your post
- Saving your followers or your connections
- Saving multiple profiles after performing a specific search