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Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcuts can be set up to quickly run a simple scenario and run a core or ai fill or just to open a specific destination.

This can make frequent saving a bit faster and more efficient.

At the moment there's a limit of 3 scenario's since Chrome limits a number of custom keyboard commands per extension to 4.

The command itself is configured in the chrome extension settings and then mapped to specific configuration directly inside Powersave settings.

When to just run autofill and when to save?

If the "core autofill" works well for you it's likely you can right away safe afterwards.

If you are using AI autofill there's a higher chance you want to double check the result before saving. That being said, on certain pages the AI autofill can consistently work very reliably so it can be safe to save automatically.

Element selection with shortcuts

Element selection is so far not yet supported with keyboard shortcuts since it requires human interaction. But you can at least set a shortcut to open the right destination and then do the rest manually.

Shortcuts for "create many" and update

Shortcuts for these are so far not supported. Feel free to reach out if you have a usecase for running these over and over again quickly via keyboard shortcut.